Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Final Presentation Reflection

(1) Positive Statement

What are you most proud of in your block presentation and/or your senior project? I am most proud of my activity, because it emphasized my third answer. It also showed if the students were paying attention to the content I was telling them and if they learned anything. Most did, but there were some slackers. 

(2) Questions to Consider

a.     What assessment would you give yourself on your block presentation (self-assessment)?  P

b.     What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project (self-assessment)? P

(3) What worked for you in your senior project?

I think my mentorship was what worked most in my senior project. I spent a lot of time there and my mentor taught me a lot about my topic

(4) (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your senior project if you could go back in time?

I would probably change my topic earlier than I could've. If I had known where I was gonna be mid December to early January I would've changed my topic during September or earlier

(5) Finding Value

How has the senior project been helpful to you in your future endeavors?  I learned a lot about the teaching field and how tough it is and can be. I never thought of going into teaching as a career, but all the information I have learned throughout changed my perspective on teaching from an easy job with lots of vacation time to a tough job that has lots of deadlines and new lessons that have to be made every week or two.

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